Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Sassy: Little Sister Is Not My Name by Sharon M. Draper

Abstract: Fashion-savy Sassy does not like being the smallest student in her fourth-grade class, until a family emergency calls for a pint-sized hero.

Publisher: Scholastic Press, 102 p.

1 comment:

Teresa said...

Sassy is a likable fashionable girl who feels stuck in her school uniform and stuck with a family nickname. She resolves both of these issues with the help of her family. And, I will add, that I will have to make my own sassy bag just like Sassy's Grammy made for her.

Is this book CSK award-worthy compared to several on the list? With Grammy's point, that it doesn't matter what you're wearing on the outside, but the importance of your inner beauty, yes. From what I understand, age level distinctions are made in the awarding of the real Coretta Scott King Book Awards. Anyway, this book depicts a great family unity and pride within the realms of realistic family scraps and squabbles.